Thursday, April 15, 2010


· November 15, 1782 – Leave port in London
· January 23, 1783 – Stop in Dubai.
· March 27, 1783 – Restock ship
· April 28, 1783 – Prepare to dock ship
· May 15, 1783 – Greet officials in China
· June 16, 1783 – Prepare to leave the Asian islands
· July 18, 1783 – Restock in nearby port
· September 8, 1783 – Prepare to dock ship

July, 1783

The end is near I feel as if my time to sail has come to a solemn end. I have already informed my crew of my illness and have told them of the precautions they need to take. I just hope that they will be able to organize themselves upon my passing. It is with great sorrow that I see I am of no help to my crew. The insistent bickering has already began no one is even keeping up with the maintenance of the ship. All I hope for it that someone that has been a part of this wonderful journey makes it back home to tell of our adventure.

June 27 , 1783

After our first day back at sea it seems that misfortune has fallen upon the ship. I should have taken head to the signs and the warnings but found it utterly necessary for us to begin our journey back. I knew the ship had been rattled by the initial journey and didn’t want it sitting at the dock much longer but perhaps I should have acquired a new ship all together. And lately I haven’t been feeling top notch I suppose I should inform my crew, I wouldn’t want to worry them so soon we have a long journey ahead of us.

June ,1783

It was with great sorrow when I had to inform my crew of our departure. However it was time to embark on our journey to return back home. The sites were beautiful; we saw many things such as many monk temples, the emperor’s castle along with visiting many nature sites such as traveling through deep jungles to reach great mountains. We had many wonderful nights with our Asian brethren we feasted upon many delicacies of the land and were entertained by the culture.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Land is near; the coasts are now in my sight. The crew has began harboring the ship as close to the coast as possible. The skies are clean and the water is crystal. My crew was ecstatic to see the beautiful shores of the Asian islands. After all of the turmoil and quarrels we have endured at sea none of that matter now that we have finally arrived. My crew and I shall eat bountifully tonight we must celebrate.

February 1783

Hours turn into days, it seems as if we took a wrong turn. Instead of experiencing high sun that many tales have been told of about seas near Asia. Low waves, dark cold days and frigid nights are all we have endured recently. I have yet to inform my crew that the compass seems to be at least ten degrees, they seem to have grown bitter by the sea and restless by many sleepless nights by choice out of pure anticipation of landing I have shipmates that haven’t slept in days. Though we have made stops at different sea ports to refuel and rest it seems bittersweet just to know that after our few hours or days of rest we are just going to end up back on the blasted ship.

January, 1783

Nights are rough and days grow long, the creaking in the floorboards has grown louder from consistent months at sea. We began our trip with 500 barrels of rum and over 200 pounds of salted meats and fish along with a ration of beans and rice to feed a small village for many, many nights. We have been at sea for about 2 ½ months as I’ve calculated but already we have had a dead per week, whether it be from an accident on the deck to illness striking. I feel as if my crew is growing weaker but the moral is still high I have faith we will make this journey safely. The seas are getting warmer I feel we are getting closer to our destination for the seas near my home are cold and bitter.

November, 1782

After many months and countless sleepless nights of preparing for our extensive journey, my crew and I are now suitable of embarking on a great journey from my home of European lands to the wonders of the Asia lands. As the captain of this crew I took it upon myself to have myself mentally and physically able to endue the many dangers that I maybe facing. Today I took the liberty upon myself to personally check all of the food and fuel supplies for we will be at sea for many nights. I have drawn out maps and figured that the fastest way there would be to travel a straight route and sail the seas of the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. I do have my reservations about beginning the journey since we will be trekking in waters that have been untapped by any man who lived to tell the tale. My crew and I will be battling roaring rapids and great fatigue it will take great group effort to take this journey and safely return to our homeland. I have great faith in my crew and great doubt at the same time it takes a man of great perseverance and diligence to survive this trip partially. For those that do survive I will forever be in awe of them and as for the many that may not make it home with each death a piece of me would rest with the dead.