Wednesday, April 14, 2010

November, 1782

After many months and countless sleepless nights of preparing for our extensive journey, my crew and I are now suitable of embarking on a great journey from my home of European lands to the wonders of the Asia lands. As the captain of this crew I took it upon myself to have myself mentally and physically able to endue the many dangers that I maybe facing. Today I took the liberty upon myself to personally check all of the food and fuel supplies for we will be at sea for many nights. I have drawn out maps and figured that the fastest way there would be to travel a straight route and sail the seas of the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. I do have my reservations about beginning the journey since we will be trekking in waters that have been untapped by any man who lived to tell the tale. My crew and I will be battling roaring rapids and great fatigue it will take great group effort to take this journey and safely return to our homeland. I have great faith in my crew and great doubt at the same time it takes a man of great perseverance and diligence to survive this trip partially. For those that do survive I will forever be in awe of them and as for the many that may not make it home with each death a piece of me would rest with the dead.

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